Creative workshops to combat a culture of violence


Popayan, Cauca, Kolumbien

Partner organization: The foundation „Fundacion Amalaka, „soy p’arte“ offers extra curricular activites after school to promote sustainable educational, cultural, musical and artistic development for school children in Cauca, one of the poorest areas of Colombia. The project is also understood as a strategy to raise awareness for alternatives to typical careers in para-military organisations, attracting a lot of young people.

Project description: „Soy p’Arte“ moves from place to place and brings along a cultural "maleta" (suitcase), with materials for workshops ranging from puppets to drama, social communication, reading and writing, music etc. The classes take place on two afternoons per week for four consecutive months. Activities are offered at six different locations, thus enabling 1700 youths to benefit from the initiative. The purpose of the project is to make it possible for the city of Popayan and the region of Cauca to provide educational projects and cultural activities for children and youths - schools chould be able to implement educational strategies which promote creativity and artistic skills.

Contribution apia: apia contributed to the cost of the program offering creative workshops.

Project coordinator: Jean-Luc Mauron

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